Meet The Owner

Meet the Owner, Sky!

Hi!  I'm Skylar Rose and I am the owner of Carolina Sky Co. which I started in 2022.  I am a 14 yr old competitive surfer girl from Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.  I travel all up and down the East Coast competing in major surf competitions. Just this past September, I earned my first East Coast title when I placed 1st in the ESA Eastern Surfing Championships in the Girls 14/U shortboard division.  At the same event I earned the 2023 ESA Eastern Surfing Championship Iron Woman Award.  I LOVE to create jewelry that is "surf proof" so that other surfer girls and I can wear it comfortably surfing and won't tarnish.All of the proceeds from my sales go to help fund all my surf travels and competitions.Don't forget to follow along on all my surf adventures on my instagram @skythesurfergirl
